Monday, June 29, 2009

Cover Girl!

Avery Beth definitely gets the award for the world's most photogenic baby! I just can't believe picture after picture how cute my girl is! I definitely think she should be in magazines...we could start a college fund with that smile. I'm not sure how her daddy would feel about that, however, he's not here right now. Anybody know where to send these pics so we can see her in the next Gymboree catalog? He he he. These are my latest favorites! As you can see we are sitting up and even though we've had many falls we have only had a couple of bumps on the head.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

She has an opinion!

Avery Beth had a developmental evaluation with a phyiscal therapist at the Easter Seals office on Thursday. I suspected there were issues with her gross motor skill development (sitting up, prop sitting, laying prone, etc) as well as the cute, persistent need to stand. Well Avery was apparently not in the mood to be messed with and she certainly let the therapist know. She had her very first opinion about something and as embarassed as I was about the temper tantrum I was proud of my girl! She used that normal, functioning brain of hers to let that lady know that she was not interested in an assessment today. Eventually this could become a problem but right now it makes my heart happy.

My suspicions were correct. Avery Beth should be doing many things better and more consistently than she is right now. The standing thing that Avery so loves to do could also be a problem; apparently she is more inclined for extension than flexion (most likely because of positioning and time spent in the isollette in the NICU - she didn't get enough warm, snugly, curled up time in the womb) and this could keep her from progressing to a crawler and eventually a walker. So we will start therapy the week of July 13th one session a week with the possibility of two times a week if necessary. I'm relieved we are getting help; I am doing all I can to stay on top of every developmental step. I am convinced God has been preparing me for this baby my whole life...I don't want to mess it up now!

We've been practicing eating from a spoon and have yet to master it but we are trying. I had no idea eating from a spoon was an acquired skill...hopefully one she will pick up on soon so we can move on to veggies!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Daddy

Ryan and I are lucky enough to be able to communicate a lot while he is deployed. This deployment seems to be dragging on forever, however, Skype, instant messaging, emails and "Spa Wars" makes our separation a little easier. We have about 7 1/2 weeks to go and I plan on staying busy for just about all of that time! We are planning a visit to San Antonio and another trip to Georgia next month! REALLY looking forward to happy times during both of them.

So for Father's Day Ryan received a hat that says, "I Love Avery" with her picture and as you will see below he is proudly sporting it over the skies of the desert. I am so thankful Avery Beth has a great daddy that loves her...even from so far away. And no I'm not proud of that mustache but apparently he is.

I AM proud of "The Daddy" and know that Avery Beth will be too someday. This is such a cool picture of Ryan and his crew. I couldn't help but show it off.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Easter came early...

Avery Beth with the Easter Seals

Easter Seals that is! How do they always catch me unprepared!? Avery was scheduled to have a developmental evaluation on Thursday to assess her gross motor skills (her weakest area) and then meet with the Speech Language Pathologist and the therapist who assesses fine motor skills later. However, the "Seals" had a cancellation and despite the fact that I had been working in the yard (covered in grass from raking up old clippings!) and my house was DIRTY they came on over. The SLP said our girl had progressed a great deal in just two weeks since she had seen her last and the PT said Avery was right on track for her fine motor skills on an adjusted age scale (almost 6 months). We will meet with the OT on Thursday to see where we stand on gross motor skills...I'm thinking we will have some work to do.

After the ladies left Avery Beth sat up all by herself!!! That's a developmental milestone that apparently she wanted to keep a secret from the assessment team! Way to go Avery! I can't tell you how watching her develop and grow moves me. When I was told I was going to have a 2 pound baby I could not imagine how she could possibly be a "normal" baby. So proud of her. So proud of Ryan and I. And so happy to have the support from family and friends that have supported and prayed for our girl.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Texas Travels

Ok so two posts today. Can't promise that will ever happen again but wanted to get some things on here for everyone to see! Here are some photos of Avery's first flight (we went to Houston to see Ryan's family) and some family fun!

Dear Lauren, Welcome to 2009!

So I have for months put off the creation of a blog finding reason after reason to keep me from getting busy. No time like the present...and now I'm putting off other jobs! It's not "fancy" yet but with some time it will be! My teacher spirit will just not allow for a simple, run of the mill blog. I will need borders, fonts, pictures and add ins. The only reason I don't have it now is because I haven't figured it out yet! So where am I going with this blog? That's easy. There have been so many intense, moving and memorable moments in my world and I want to share them.

Let me rewind. This time last year I was newly pregnant; just getting over the dreaded "all day sickness" (whoever coined the phrase "morning sickness" had never been pregnant) and dreaming of what was growing inside my belly. We knew of Ryan's upcoming deployment and thought he would return in late December just a week before my due date. I had never been more distraught and upset. I cried for days on end and knew in my heart he would miss the birth of our baby. I knew it deep down in my heart. Then by chance somebody in charge very casually said, "Sanders you're going on a 60 day instead of a 120." Now we are talking! It was still incredibly sad to see him go. Two days before he left we found out God was giving us a baby girl and promised to pick names when he returned in late October. I went home to Georgia and spent some time with my family and friends and when I returned to Little Rock I started feeling not so good and started swelling. I gained 8 pounds in 1 week, started having pain between my ribcage and could almost feel my blood pressure getting higher. The doctor said no big what you eat and give yourself a rest sometime throughout the day. Things did not improve and I was increasingly getting sicker, in more pain. I was told I had heartburn, was treated over the phone and in labor and delivery with pain meds, fluids and heartburn remedies. Something wasn't right and I remember sobbing over the phone begging the doctor for relief and being in so much pain I couldn't talk to Ryan when he made his few and far between phone calls from Iraq. Can you imagine the worry for him? Geez. When they finally figured out I had HELLP Syndrome I was promptly taken to the hospital with an impending, immediate delivery. Red Cross and I had a little chat; they were getting Ryan home quickly and I was praying I could make my short 28 week pregnancy last for at least 29 weeks so she could grow a little more and the daddy could be there to help me through. It didn't happen. I knew from the beginning of the pregnancy that he wouldn't make it. So Avery was born on October 15th at 2 pounds 6 ounces with my mom by my side and his family in the waiting room. Ryan found out he was a daddy while on a stop in London and then arrived on the 16th after many cancelled and delayed flights. I remember seeing the quote, "Where there is great love there are always miracles," on a frame that was given as a gift for my baby girl's room. Before I could see Avery in person her nurse in the NICU brought a picture of her and we placed the photo of my tiny, frail baby in the frame and started praying for miracles. We then spent 54 days with Avery Beth in the NICU; it was a very scary and emotional time with many highs and just as many lows.

In my house there is great love and even bigger miracles. Avery Beth turned 8 months last week and is 15 pounds of personality and happiness. Ryan is deployed again and despite my anxiety about his departure we are doing okay. I look forward to sharing our many blessings.