Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Clicking my heels...

This baby business is hard work! I love my baby more than the sun, the moon, the stars and a beautiful new Coach handbag but I have never worked so hard in all my days. I really thought I knew what tired was but until I became a mother I did not truely know the meaning!

I worried before Ryan left for this deployment about whether or not I could do this alone. I am pretty proud of all that I have been able to maintain while he is away: the day in and day out, feeding issues, a push for a swallow study, double ear infections, a trip to the ER at 3 am, developmental evaluations, speech evaluations, qualifying for therapy, an upper respiratory infection, breathing treatment, weekly physical therapy, shots, multiple doctors visits, three flights to visit family, a wedding, a family reunion, more feeding issues, pictures, a small medical procedure for me, a birthday, Mother's Day, Father's Day, introducing solids, developing a mini work from home income (more about this later!) and generally staying busy so I don't think about him so much. I do use the term alone loosely - family and friends have been so supportive and helpful during the last 107 days. Speaking of which...this time tomorrow I will be home sweet home in Georgia and can hardly wait to see my sweet mom and hand over her precious grandbaby so I can take a nap! I am ready to see my puppy dogs too! I have been clicking my heels all afternoon in hopes I would wake up there. The prep work is overwhelming and know tomorrow will be such a long day. I hope to see as many folks as possible while home, however, I am planning on laying low for a majority of the trip and taking advantage of the opportunity to get some rest while there.

Love this picture of the happiest baby!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Beautiful...if I do say so myself!

I took this myself and am so proud of my little girl. I love her big eyes and sweet, chubby hands.

Speaking of beautiful...Avery Beth is in the running for San Antonio's Most Beautiful Baby! Although we don't live there currently we are both permanent residents and would love to earn the $10,000 college scholarship and the photo session that are prizes. The first time you vote is kind of complicated but after you do it once you can save the link and return and vote in seconds. Here is the link and the instructions.

Go to the site. Click "Vote Now." A little boys picture will pop up and click "Click Here" to get to the voting pages. Scroll to Page 8. Avery is at the bottom left under with the title "Happy Birthday America." Once you have found her click her picture and vote! Save the link of the exact page and visit daily. Below is the picture you will see! Thank you!


So I just cannot get enough of craigslist! I have found just about everything I have ever searched for and cannot help but be proud of the deals. I have gotten several big baby toys and am so thankful I did not have to shell out the full price. I also got six boxes of Simply Thick; a very expensive thickening gel that goes in Avery's every bottle to prevent her from aspirating. The boxes are $61 for a box of 100 packets and I found a lady selling her boxes on the site for $25 a piece! That is a savings of over $200! And my latest and favorite find so far is a jogging stroller. It is a Schwinn and in awesome condition and now we have NO excuse for not exercising. We are already including a daily walk in our routine and the jogging stroller will now allow Ryan to run with Avery in the evenings if he wants. He is in great shape after a four month deployment and he and Avery Beth will have fun going for runAdd Videos. The best part is I saved about $200 buying it used off of craigslist.com!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Birthday Days

Lots of good things happening in the Sanders' household! My favorite thing lately was my birthday! It was such a wonderful birthday...we will not discuss which birthday this happens to be but it was great nonetheless. I was so worried I would be sad because I was without my husband and family (particularly my mom who has my whole life made me feel like I was the ONLY person who had a birthday which I have always loved!) but it was so easy to focus on what and who I did have with me! I kept thinking all day long how thankful and blessed I was to be celebrating another birthday and my first as a mother. I have read many stories of women who had HELLP syndrome during pregnancy who passed away or because of the damage done to organs, particularly the liver, had to have transplants and did not live long enough to celebrate another birthday. This year there is so much to be thankful for; another birthday, another moment with my baby, another confirmation that God has given me more than I probably deserve in friends and family. The birthday included a SURPRISE birthday party with 8 of my favorite ladies, the best pizza in town and an ant cake :), a big birthday package from my mom, cards and gifts from my man all the way in Iraq, Pepperidge Farm birthday cake, lots of cards from friends and family and a two hour break from Avery so I could get a pedicure! And my birthday present from Avery was this giggle!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Avery's been in this world longer than she was in my tummy!

Miss Avery Beth is nine months old today! It is hard for me to wrap my brain around that...nine months old. She is changing so quickly now I feel like if I blink I might miss something. It really is a shame mothers go through this special time in such a sleep deprived stupor. We could relish these moments so much more intensely with just a few more hours of sleep! I guess that is why I take so many pictures and videos; I know all of these precious moments will not be a vivid memory in just a few short years.

So we have had a couple of big firsts in the last day or two! AVERY SAID "MA MA!" That's right yesterday as we were getting ready to go I picked her up and said, "Ma Ma" and she said it very clearly right back to me! Then the next time I walked through the room she looked at me with those big blue eyes and reached her little arms up for me to pick her up. She had never done that before either. What tiny little miracles! When Ryan called yesterday I told him about "Ma Ma" and he asked to speak to her. I put the phone up to her hear and I overheard him say, "You aren't supposed to be saying that...you are supposed to be saying Daddy! Da Da Da Da!" So cute. We will start working on that one next. We also had our first upright ride in the grocery cart...not nearly as monumental but another first!
We had our first physical therapy session today. Avery Beth did extremely well for the first 20-25 minutes; she giggled, played and really cooperated so well. And then the therapist tried to get her to do some things that she obviously did NOT want to do and she lost it! I think the combination of not being interested in doing those tasks and being very tired put her over the edge. I really like her therapist and she just loved Avery; she was very patient with her. We will go once a week for now and I look forward to sharing how she changes and grows!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We made it back from our San Antonio voyage and once again Avery Beth was the best traveler. She has flown more as an infant than I did until I graduated from college! We had such a great trip and saw SO many of Ryan's family members. We spent our last weekend at a girl's weekend for Ryan's cousin Jenny who is getting married next weekend. Those girls really knew how to do it! We enjoyed some pool time, margaritas, an accupressure massage, sangria, burgers, fajitas and plenty of help with the smallest girl at the party. She did not sleep much while we were away though and so by the time we got home yesterday I was just about done! We are both happy to be home...Avery slept seven hours straight which she has not done in ten days.

So what is Avery doing? Her favorite thing to do is squeal....really loudly. They are happy squeals that usually make me giggle. They are not so cute when we are in a public place like a restaurant or airplane and folks turn to stare! She is making funny new noises and blowing bubbles; so cute! She is sitting up really well and sat in her first restaurant high chair while in San Antonio; I thought my friend was going to have a heart attack when Avery Beth started gnawing the table but all in all she did well! Feedings are still a struggle. Much improvement from when she was aspirating, however, getting her to take a full feeding is a fight every single time it seems. She is eating rice cereal pretty well and enjoyed her first veggie treat of sweet peas last week. Keep praying for her feeding struggles it is frustrating for both of us.

We miss Ryan so much and I cannot stand to think of how many things he is missing, how many smiles, how many changes. 37 more days. 37 more days. Oh and we start physical therapy on Wednesday.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Summer Gypsies

Packing checklist Onesies -check, bottles - check, Avery Beth - check
Avery Beth and I made it to San Antonio on Wednesday...only 4.5 hours late! We were delayed in Little Rock as well as in Dallas and it took us a total of 8 hours to finally make it to our destination. The good news is Avery is an EXCELLENT traveler. She took everything in stride making friends along the way including a nun who was just smitten. I am going to think I am on vacation when I fly with the child and Ryan to help someday! In all actuality the checking in, manuevering through security with all the baby equipment and actual flying is nothing compared the prep work it takes for packing and actually getting out the door! Whew. Exhausting.

"The Little Firecracker"

We joyfully attended the Sorenson Family Reunion (Ryan's family) in Boerne, TX over the 4th of July weekend. It was so fun for Avery to finally meet everybody...aunts, uncles, cousins and even another set of great-grandparents. No one could believe that she was once a two pounder because she is so big, pretty and full of personality. Avery's favorite part of the weekend was swimming in the pool with the float from her Aunt Jill. We will be here the rest of the week and plan on meeting up with old friends from the school I used to teach with here and spending time with Aunt Ally.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

6 months old today...kinda sorta

Today is Avery Beth's six month (adjusted age) birthday! That means if she had made it to my due date (January 1st) she would be six months old. She should be doing things that a six month old baby should be doing like grabbing things and putting them in her mouth, passing things between hands, sitting up with some toppling over, social behavior and the possibility of teeth on the way. She is doing all of these things...particularly the social part. What a little charmer she is! Eventually she will need to be doing things closer to her birth age and that is why we will start physical therapy this month as well as continuing to work with her on skills at home. For now I am enjoying the moment and trying not to miss a thing!

Today we head to San Antonio for a visit with Ryan's immediate family as well as a family reunion. It is so hard to be away from our family. We don't like it at all but it certainly makes our visits and phone calls with the grandparents special. Here is a video clip of Avery talking to her Beebe. She loves listening to people on the phone especially familiar voices like Beebe and Daddy. My mom has particular songs that she sings, words and sounds that I'm certain Avery recognizes. So cool!